Texting With Tap

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Mousing With Tap

AirMousing With Tap

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Start Tapping Instantly

Leapfrog the learning curve with TapNow.
Learn to Tap as you text and use your favorite apps.

Download TapManager

I am very impressed with this device. In just 2 weeks, I went from not being able to type at all…to now typing at 26 words per minute on one hand (and growing). With this same hand, I can use the mouse with ease. I am so excited about having a vision to ditch my keyboard and mouse as well as have what feels to be a more ergonomically friendly device to use.

Jeremy M

90 minutes in and I am ready to say goodbye, adios, sayonara to my old QWERTY forever. No longer will I need to hunt and peck for keys or squint to look at my phone's onscreen keyboard. I can't believe something this cool exists in the here and now.

Amy R.

As a developer I have struggled with wrist pain. I have purchased everything from ergonomic keyboards to wrist supports with little relief. Being able to type at a more natural angle with Tap has been a game changer for me.


All in one super controller

From tablets through SmartTV's to AR & VR the Tap Strap 2 allows you to type, mouse & control any environment.

Simply tap your fingers on any surface or wave your hands in mid air.

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